
how soft she sleeps

like an angel,

                   if angels sleep

she does,

         nestled under my arm

woman body warm and close

hand tingles inner thigh

gently nudges cock-tip

ruffles pubic hair

brings to mind other sleeps

other caresses

soft some,

         look in eye hands touching

wild some,

         legs flailing

forces the rose between her legs

against phallus pushing,

                   lips kissing

drink her odours

pounding rhythms deep in

wet against me straining,

                   our bodies

against the distance between us

to uncoil like springs

cry together bodies locked

taste my sperm in her mouth


she nudges cock-tip

ruffles pubic hair

waking in love,

                    sleeps secure

like an angel,

                   if angels sleep

she does, always close to me.