DEC 1977 - OCT 1978





                     Note from the Author:  


To read "Book I" of the composition visualize a scene with a lake, a snow covered shoreline, rollng dark clouds and a tree in the foreground.  It is the barest of landscapes, devoid of colour and human life, the only motion is the movement of the waves and clouds.  When you stare at the scene you come to understand that the simplicity is the total of a number of elements which are constantly at work.  I have broken the landscape down into it's component parts. 


In "Book II" the scene has changed but the elements remain the same.  The scene is now the urban landscape, there the study is of the human process, the interaction between the past, the present and the future. 








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The road must be widened.  All trees in the

forest marked wtih an X must be felled.  We

can bring in the tractor it has enough power.


I pause before the largest doomed maple.

Marked with the blood of the lamb.

Sacrifice for power.


With a guilt like insolence I cast up a

prayer for the tree and for all living things.


                        I want no power.


The man with the weathered face expertly wields

the saw.  Relentless in the acceptance of power.

I can fall it over there away from the road.


Tremors run up the length of the tree.

It sways and splits.  Falls to earth.


                        Relentless acceptance.



The power of man futile.  The power of prayer

selfish.  The power of trees illusive.

Power is a fragment.


                        I want no power.

                        Relentless rejection.


Black maple fallen to the stark white snow.






A Prologue

All my life they feed me.  Machine fed baby like us all.  Metal residue in the bottom of my bottle.  Hum of metal gears screaming in my brain.  All my life feeding me the machine negation of knowing.  The negation of even the chance to know.


Cancelling like a bad cheque my own humanity.  Feeding me a machine mind.  Middle mind.  Saying act out our fantasy.  You got talent.  Act out the middle mind.  You'll go far.  We'll even measure the distance.  You belong to us boy.


Feeding me the middle path and the middle mind.  Mahcine fantasy fed to me on the end of the newspaper spoon.  T.V. staring at me.  Wants to learn how to be real.  Machine says the t.v. is real.  Saying I'm the dream.  Get real kid. Come with us.  Act out the machine fantasy.  We'll make a real together.  We've got a role picked for you.


Machine projects on every wall and in every eye the image picked for me.  Message breaking me down all the time offering me the safe middle path and the middle brain.  Machine brain roaring out the metal message.  Voice of cold steel.


And it is this reporter's opinion click.  And the NATO forces are second to none in the world buzz.  What kind of man reads playboy hmm... click.


A shadow fell across me years ago.  I struggled in the empty black landscape.  A real night like the final darkness of our next death.  Darkness in the shadow of two worlds.


I have struggled in an empty black landscape.  It was the machine which populates this landscape.  Places houses in neat rows.  Feed me the metal message.  Middle mind.


I can take the middle path no longer.  I am in the warm human shadow that links me to the real human past.  From that shadow I begin to see light.  The light of the sun and the earth pulse.  Beyond that snarling metal message.  Beyond the message to the edge.  To the edge of light looking over.  At the edge of the metal city looking back.  I live in edge city where the other things are real.   




Came to these shores five centuries.   This prophesy

of two millenia fulfilled. Questzalcoatl the

bearded one in flowing white robes (white skin?)

riding in ships with wings shall return.


O ancient one.  You who gave us the secret of our

temples and the stars have returned.  The blood of

our enemies has stained the sacred stone since the

early dawn of our days.  We kenw of your lust for

blood.  Your angry wisdom. ...


And Cortez smiled knowing the gold of Montezuma

was his.


North along the coast of the whole continent the

land bore witness to the repetition of thsi death.


The relentless acceptance of the power of death will

bring death. They named it manifest destiny.


First was the death of an ancient living people.  Now

is the smiling and relentless killing of our earth.


Power.  Relentless acceptance.


The decimation of living forests (fallen black maple).

Lakes and rivers as sewers.


And in the cities?  Power?


The people of the third world watch us consume as much

non-renewable energy denying our seasons as the eight

hundred million people of China use for everything.


Mao Tse Tung wrote poetry.  Nixon writes bloody memoirs.


Relentless rejection.


The spirits of the buffalo haunt our sleep.